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Merritt Island Rotary Club Mobility Chair Program

Rotary’s official mottos, Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best, trace back to the early days of the organization. 


As we start the Rotary fiscal year 2018/19 the Merritt Island Rotary club has taken this motto to heart. We are happy to announce the start of our Mobility Chair Program. 



It was brought to the attention of Club President Russ McCarthy that there is a need for our community residents to have immediate access to electric wheelchairs while waiting for approval to obtain one through Medicare or Private Health Insurance.


After advocating to provide an intermediate solution Rotarian Bill Frederick graciously donated a Jet 3 electric wheelchair to the cause and fellow club Rotarian Greg Bonenberger contracted with Brevard Medical Equipment to manage the delivery and maintenance for the program. 


The Goal of the program is to provide assistance to our local community members currently in limbo who are lacking the most essential part of independent care, mobility.


The program is in place, and the Jet 3 is ready to be loaned out to a Merritt Island resident in need. Once a permanent solution is in place, the chair will be returned to Brevard Medical Equipment for general maintenance before being loaned out to another local resident. Should Medicare/Insurance not approve a wheelchair, arrangements can be made to purchase or rent a chair in place of the Rotary loaner. â€‹

Please fill out the application form below if you know of a person who would benefit from this program. 

Thank You For Helping A Community Member In Need! Our Chair Program Comittee will review the submited information and will be in contact shortly.

© 2018 Merritt Island Rotary Club


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P.O. Box 541122
Merritt Island, FL 32954
Meeting Location:                                                              Brevard Veterans Memorial Center
400 South Sykes Creek Parkway | Main Building Library
Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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