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2018 Annual Meeting and Induction of the New Board of Directors

The Merritt Island Rotary Club Annual Meeting and Induction of your 2018/19 Board of Directors took place on July 14th at Bonefish Grill in Merritt Island.

We are very excited about the leadership that our new District Governor Julia Babbitt and Club President Russ McCarthy will bring in the upcoming year.

We would like to thank our outgoing board of directors and committee chairs for their service.

Outgoing Board of Directors:

President: Pat Tash

President Elect: Russ McCarthy

Treasurer: Gene Burkett

Secretary: Norm White

Sargent at Arms: Denise Daniel

Foundation: Jean Starkey

Outgoing Committee Chairs:

Administration: Greg Bonenberger

Membership: Jean Starkey

Service Projects: Russ McCarthy

Youth Services: Peggy Russell

Club Programs: Pat Tash

Public Relations: Tracy King

Communications: Keri Goff

Without your hard work and dedication the past year would have had a vastly different landscape and we thank you all for your continued support of the Merritt Island Rotary Club.

It is with great pleasure that we acknowledge the new year, as well as our new leadership.

2018-2019 Board of Directors:

President: Russ McCarthy

President Elect: Peggy Russell

Immediate Past President: Pat Tash

Treasurer: Gene Burkett

Secretary: Gary Ledford

Sargent at Arms: Denise Daniels

2018-2019 Committee Chairs:

Administration: Greg Bonenberger

Membership: Jean Starkey

Service Projects: Russ McCarthy

Youth Services: Peggy Russell

Club Programs: Pat Tash

Public Relations: Tracy King

Communications: Keri Goff

A special Thanks to District Governor Julia Babbitt for attending and installing our new leadership. We look to you in the upcoming year to "Be The Inspiration"

Along with the installation of our new leadership, some notable awards were given to fellow Rotarians in recognition of their hard work, leadership and continued service.

Certificate of Appreciation:

Gary Ledford

Russ McCarthy

Norm White

Perfect Attendance:

Lisa Marie Smith

Russ McCarthy

Pat Tash

Gene Burkett

Gary Ledford

Jean Starkey

Norm White

Distinguished Service: Greg Bonenberger

Rotarian of the Year:

Keri Goff

Thank you to all who support the causes of the Merritt Island Rotary Club, who in their everyday actions adhere to the 4 way test and always exhibit Service Above Self. It is you who are truly the inspiration.

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© 2018 Merritt Island Rotary Club


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P.O. Box 541122
Merritt Island, FL 32954
Meeting Location:                                                              Brevard Veterans Memorial Center
400 South Sykes Creek Parkway | Main Building Library
Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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