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Food & Supply Drive to Support the Sharing Center of Central Brevard

Thank you so much to those who have already begun to participate in our ongoing Food and Supply drive to benefit the Sharing Center of Central Brevard. We already need a bigger bucket! For those who have missed the last couple meetings, our club will be collecting an item from the attached list at every club assembly through the late spring/summer of Fiscal Year 19/20. At the conclusion of our supply drive, we will have a special guest speaker, David Brubaker, President and CEO, present to our club the important mission of the Sharing Center of Central Brevard and how our donations will help those in our community through an emergency or crisis. The Mission of the Sharing Center of Central Brevard is to provide emergency assistance and guidance to those in our community who are struggling to obtain life’s most basic needs. If you are unable to bring an item to the meeting, fear not, our Sergeant at Arms will collect one dollar to be placed in a special fines fund specifically for the Sharing Center. Anyone that would like to make a donation that is unable to attend a regular meeting may contact any board member to arrange that. Rotary Connects the World, and together we can do good starting right here in Brevard!

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© 2018 Merritt Island Rotary Club


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P.O. Box 541122
Merritt Island, FL 32954
Meeting Location:                                                              Brevard Veterans Memorial Center
400 South Sykes Creek Parkway | Main Building Library
Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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