A Message from the 20/21 President

The Merritt Island Rotary Club is part of a much larger organization, Rotary International. We invite you to visit www.rotary.org to learn more about the incredible work of Rotarians worldwide. For more than 110 years Rotary has bridged cultures and connected continents to champion peace, fight illiteracy and poverty, promote clean water and sanitation, and fight disease.
Locally our club has sponsored scholarships for local students entering college and needing assistance. Additionally, each year in partnership with our sister Merritt Island Breakfast club we promote water safety in through our Josh the Otter program as well as providing dictionaries to our local elementary school students.
We are currently meeting every other Thursday via Zoom. I invite you to please join us. Just send a meeting request to: info@MerrittIslandRotary.com or through the contact form on the Events page. Thank you for visiting our website.
Gene Burkett
Rotary District 6930
Past District Governor 2015-2016
Email: gburkett1017@gmail.com
Phone: 321-890-3171