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The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:


Of the things we think, say or do…

Is It The Truth?

Will It Build Goodwill and Better Friendships?

Is It Fair To All Concerned?

Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned?

The test is one of the hallmarks of Rotary. Since it was developed in 1932 by Herbert J. Taylor, who later became Rotary President, it has never ceased to be relevant. Its four brief questions are not based on culture or religion. Instead, they are a simple checklist for ethical behavior. They transcend generations and national borders.


As Rotarians, we should have The Four-Way Test in mind in every decision we make, all day long. Our utmost responsibility is to speak the truth, to be fair, to build goodwill and better friendships, and to do our very best in all situations.


Rotary offers a possibility for solving ethical problems. Well-trained, well-engaged in social life, and with strong consciences, Rotarians must try to address these issues through Rotary’s vocational and community service programs. People all over the world need more safety, tolerance, understanding, and love. They want to live in peace.


Rotary, whose club members represent many cultures and religious beliefs and are committed to high ethical standards, can support mutual understanding and serve as a tool for peace.

© 2018 Merritt Island Rotary Club


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P.O. Box 541122
Merritt Island, FL 32954
Meeting Location:                                                              Brevard Veterans Memorial Center
400 South Sykes Creek Parkway | Main Building Library
Merritt Island, Florida 32952
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